4th grade math

This year I learned long division.I also learned how to fly a protractor and how to measure a angle using a protractor.The thing I like the least is geometry and doing simplifying fractions.We learned how many meter are in a foot and how many gallon are in a pint.We also got taught  how to divide fractions and how to simplify them to the small number you could possibly do.My strength is  multiplication.My weakness is division.When I get in fifth grade I hope they will teach me how to divide and multiplication fractions.I think they will teach us how to divide 2 digits by 2 digits.My favorite thing was the m&m pack.

So Long 4th Grade

The most important thing I learned was how to make my voki.

My favorite project was my invention.

I was most surprised by how to make electricity.

The thing I dislike most was the famous people project.