Amendment ten acrostic prom

Although the tenth amendment does not specify what these ” powers” may be the u.s. Supreme Court has a rule that affecting family relations like marriage, divorce, and adoption.

Many federalist such a James Madison, argued that the tenth amendment was unnecessary because the power of the federal government are carefully enumerated she limited in the constitution.

Effectively defending American federalism requires us to remember that federalism was not created by the states and it was not created for states benefits.

National and  state governments as it had been established by the constitution before the amendment or that its purpose was other than to ally fears that the new national government might seek to exercise power not granted , and that the states might not be able to exercise fully their reserved powers.

During the deth of the Great Depression, the tenth amendment returned to a dormant condition. Marriage of course, does not appear in the constitution so judicial interpretations where we find guidance on this issue.

Exples of the exercise, federal education funds may not be accepted without impletation if special education programs in compliance.


National programs places implementation in the hand off local officials who are closer to local circumstances.

The tenth amendment of the bills of rights put into the United States constitution on September 5, 1789 and was voted for by 9 out of 12 states on December 15, 1791.

The tenth amendment is fairly similar to an earlier provision outline in the articles of confederation which stated that each individual state retain sovereignty.

Example of the exercise of this device was to condition alleation of federal funding where certain state laws do not conform to federal guidelines.

National program consistent with national minimum standards ; a system know as cooperative federalism.


America Flag

I think Betsy Ross made the America Flag because Betsy was a window struggling and she want to run her own Uphosetery in Colonial America Flag not only worked on furnitue but did all manger sewing work and making Flags. General Washington showed Betsy a rough draft on a six ponited star.So Betsy started to make rough draft on a Flag that is why I think Betsy Ross made a flag.

James Madison Patriots Poem

Was chosen to represent Virginia in the Continental Congress.

He was respresent in the Continental Congress.

Pen by Jefferson in 1777.


James Madison.

War of 1812.

He became a devoted Patriot.

Declaration of Independence adopted by Continental Congress.

He was the youngest member of the Continental Congress.



Pearl Harbor is located in Hawaii on the land of O’ahu.

Early in the  morning on December 7, more than 350 Japanese attacked about 33 American ships.

At 7:55, the Japanese attacked with deadly force.

Review of Pearl Harbor, the action movie starring Ben Afflleck, Josh Hartentt, and Kate Beckinsale, and directed by Michale Bay.

Launched a surprise attack on the US Naval bases Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

Harbor held a 22,000 acre naval bases.

A fleet of midget submarines was also part of the Japanese attacked.

Rather than giving in to U.S. demands the Japanese decided to lunch a surprise attack aganist the United States.

Battles of the Pearl Harbor begin on December 7, 1941.

Opana’s was the only radar turned on just then, and it was only for training.

Reasoning that what Lockhard Elliott saw was that squadron of American planes,the commanding officer told the two privat not to worry.













Red ribbon week with my bestie




This week was red ribbon week and I am so blessed to go to a school that celebrate this because you don’t need drugs to have fun.I pick this friend to lead me thought the years I go to school until I get out of school this is one of my true friends I love her so much.On monday supports RED RIBBON WEEK WEAR RED. Tuesday look to the bright side and WEAR A WHITE OAK SHIRT. Wensday WEAR A HAT. Thursday WEAR TIDE DIE AND BRING STUFF ANIMALS. Friday WEAR HALLOWEEN COUSTOM. REMBER DONT DO DRUGS.

Colonial Life

I would like to be a Apothecary.If I live in the colonial life I would like to be this because one day I want to be a doctor and I would enjoy doing this job.The Apothecary sold and made mixed medicine. Often the Apothecary had no special training and no license. The Apothecary also sold and prepared medicine for England.He learned about native plan used by the Indians. He kept a garden to grow the many roots and herbs he need to mix cures. He ground them with a mortar and pestle. Some mixtures took a half a day to prepare. Apothecary colonists bought medicine to prevent people from getting  illnees..87538786477351689_KZUGwaNv_f


What it means to be a ROUGHNECKS homecoming is very special to the ROUGHNECKS because we only have homecoming every three years at white oak. THE reason we have homecoming every three years is because it take all over the service men to come home from world war three.


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